NDIS and Nutrition for Disabilities

The team at Ward Nutrition can provide nutrition and dietetic services to plan managed and self managed NDIS participants. Home visits, telehealth or face to face consults are available at one of our clinics in the Central west NSW.

Working with a Dietitian can optimise your health and well being!.

How can a Dietitian help?

We will complete a initial assessment and provide you with recommendations based on your individual needs.

Our Dietitians are trained to help you in the following areas:

  • Weight loss, malnutrition and poor growth

  • Food sensitives, food aversions and fussy eating

  • Food allergies and intolerances

  • Diabetes and Blood Sugar Control

  • Bowel issues, such as constipation and diarrhea

  • Implementing texture modified diets and help with nutritional implications of dysphagia and swallowing issues.

  • Wound prevention and healing

  • Advice and organisation of nutritional supplements and enteral feeds.

If you would like to refer a participant to Ward Nutrition Dietetic Services, please download the referral form and email to Claire@wardnutrition.health


Using Nutrition to help improve your Quality of life

A dietitian can help you with meal planning and recipe development. We can assist with a shopping list, choose a healthy product from the supermarkets and teach you how to read food labels to enable you to to meet your dietary needs more easily within your limitations of your disability.

Dietitians we will aim to improve your health and well being, by providing you or your carer with the skills required to cook healthier meals, or even make healthier choices when eating out. We are committed in providing a service that is designed to improve your quality of life by using nutrition as a means to enable you to meet your health goals.

If you require a home visit, please get in contact with us to organise, so we allow plenty of travel time. If you would like a telehealth consult or face to face consult at one of our clinics, then your welcome to book online at your convenience.


Ward Nutrition aims to improve your quality of life. Improving your Nutrition can help optimise your health and well being