Weight Loss & Bariatric Surgery


Losing weight can be challenging and at times frustrating. Dieting and following quick fix ‘fad diets’ is not always the answer. Dieting can help you lose weight in the short term, however once you stop the diet you tend to put it all back on. Therefore, losing weight can become difficult if you’re constantly living your life on a diet.

Ward Nutrition Dietitians have had over 20 years’ experience in helping people lose weight, she can help you explore the other reasons that contribute to weight gain, including; stress, emotions, low self-worth, faulty food scripts, habit, addiction poor body image and weight conflict.

Weight loss is sometimes not always about what you’re eating, but also about why and when you’re eating. Claire has the skills and knowledge to provide nutritional counselling to help you find an eating plan to suit your lifestyle and help you with mindful intuitive eating practices. Check out one of our blogs on mindful eating.

Ward Nutrition has a body composition machine so they can tract your weight loss and show you that you are losing fat and not muscle. Losing muscle and fluid is not ideal, as this will only result in weight regain. She also can do a full dietary analysis looking at all your nutrients, vitamins and minerals intake to ensure you are meeting your recommended dietary requirements.

Bariatric Surgery 

Claire works closely with the bariatric surgeons over the Central West and Sydney in providing Nutritional support, advice and therapy to clients who are undergoing bariatric surgery including lap bands and gastric sleeves. Ward Nutrition will provide pre and post-surgery information to help you with your dietary requirements along with nutritional counselling and support.

Dr Henry Hook (bariatric surgeon) and his team are at the Bloomfield Medical Centre in Orange and you can find more information from the Orange Weight Loss Centre website.

Getting your diet right when undergoing bariatric surgery will ensure your post complications and nutritional status are reduced. Essential nutrients nutrient’s such as Protein, iron and B12 along with vitamins A, B,C and D need to be assessed to minimize side effects. Checking your diet with one of or Dietitians will ensure you are meeting your needs.

Claire also has a special interest in in helping post bariatric surgical clients with fertility and pregnancy issues. Falling pregnant after surgery is complicated and nourishing your body and your unborn child within bariatric restriction can be difficult. It is essential that you are taking the correct vitamins along with consuming the correct nutrition to ensure growth and development of your unborn child. If you are thinking of falling pregnant or you already are pregnant, then it is recommended your receive a nutrition check with an Accredited Dietitian with experience in this area.

We also stock BN Multivitamins in both locations, which are the specialised multivitamins for Bariatric Surgery clients.

If you would like to book an appointment with Ward Nutrition for a nutritional consult and expert dietary advice, click here now.

Bariatric Online Course - If you would prefer to do a online course, then Claire has produce a self directed online nutrition and bariatric course for the A-Z of bariatric surgery. Recipes, meals plan and all the information you require is online. click here to access

Any of Ward Nutrition clients will have access to exclusive online Facebook Bariatric support group. Whether you are seen a Ward Nutrition Dietitian in clinic, via online course you will qualify for entry!!!. FACEBOOK GROUP LINK


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